Welcome to X-Gains | P90X + LeanGains

WORKOUTS that work, EATS that satisfy, and EVERYTHING ELSE you need to reach your lifestyle goals. - page 13


What The 5,000 Calorie Challenges Are Meant To Prove

Missing The Point So, two of my most recent posts (The Wolverine Diet Challenge, 5,000 Calories Part 1 and Part 2) were devoted to proving to a reader that a regular-old Joe could consume 5,000 calories and keep those calories down within an 8-hour window. …

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The Wolverine Diet Challenge, 5,000 Calories Part Two

Why The Wolverine Diet Challenge? – 5,000 Calories Part 2 A few months ago I wrote about how Hugh Jackman was basically doing LeanGains while preparing his body for The Wolverine and in response to that e-mail I got a few readers questioning the human bodies ability…

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6 Weight Loss Myths Debunked – Our Take On These Myths

SIX Weight Loss Myths Debunked The other day I came across an article on Good Morning America’s Yahoo News page titled “6 Weight Loss Myths Debunked” that got me a bit fired up. I got a bit worked up because I hate when articles give…

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The Wolverine Diet Challenge, 5,000 Calories

Why The Wolverine Diet Challenge? – 5,000 Calories As you guys may or may not already know, a few months ago I wrote about how Hugh Jackman was basically doing LeanGains while preparing his body for The Wolverine.  Well, a few weeks ago I received…

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Can You Really? Breakfast Edition 1.0

Can You Really? “Do You Really Eat That Much?” The other day I got an e-mail from a reader suggesting that the human body cannot ingest 5,000 calories in a single day, let alone an 8 hour fed state.  This got me thinking about how…

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Hugh Jackman’s Core Lesson – Recuperating From A Back Injury

The Wolverine So, I am sure we all know about Weapon X and one of its most famous projects, but just incase we don’t … Weapon X is a Canadian government genetic research facility created to produce genetically enhanced human weapons.  Weapon X executed a…

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CAN P90X REALLY HELP PREVENT INJURY…? The Day I Skipped YogaX After almost 16 months of not having even the slightest injury/muscle tweak due to weight lifting it finally happened – I pulled my back giving my kids a bath while on vacation two weeks…

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Get ULTRA RIPPED with Henry Cavill’s Man of Steel Workout

A few weeks ago we posted HOW TO SUP-UP YOUR WORKOUT with Mark Twight’s Tailpipe (a superset created to prepare Henry Cavill’s body to become The Man of Steel.  Well, today we are in for a treat because our guest post is going to actually reveal…

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A Weight Loss Secret For Everyone!

A Weight Loss Secret That Works For Everyone Can’t shed those extra pounds? There is a simple trick to making them come off…and it just so happens this trick can also help shorten your workout. An Intro…or more like an Aside I thought about this…

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Calorie Cycling – It Works!

Calorie Cycling – It Works! WHAT IS CALORIE CYCLING? I don’t know how many of you know what “calorie cycling” is but it’s pretty much what it sounds like.  Calorie cycling is adjusting your caloric intake per day while maintaining a desired weekly caloric intake…

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