Tag archive for Abs


ARE SIT UPS A WASTE OF TIME?   ARE SIT UPS REALLY A WASTE OF TIME? I’ve been hearing something going around lately that’s really getting to me.   “SIT UPS ARE A WASTE OF TIME!”…really?!   At first I thought to myself, “Yeah, I…

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Hugh Jackman’s Core Lesson – Recuperating From A Back Injury

The Wolverine So, I am sure we all know about Weapon X and one of its most famous projects, but just incase we don’t … Weapon X is a Canadian government genetic research facility created to produce genetically enhanced human weapons.  Weapon X executed a…

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A Wolverine Workout – Myths vs. Facts

A Wolverine Workout – One Plan Hugh Jackman used to get ripped for Wolverine…to learn what and when he ate check this out. So, we’ve talked about Hugh Jackman’s eating plan/style in preparation for Wolverine…but what about his workouts…?  Well, fret no more my friends. …

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The Secret To Scorching Fat!

  Now that we know why Carbs are okay, it’s time to talk FAT.   A lot of people ask why I drink Whole Milk if “it’s got all that fat in it.”  Well, the main reason is because FAT = TASTE and the second reason…

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