The Ketogenic Diet (aka the Keto Diet) is an eating approach that has been used for both weight loss and treating a number of medical conditions for many many years. Popularized (and almost made infamous) by Dr. Atkins and his Atkins Diet, the modern-day Ketogenic Diet focuses a little more on fat and a bit less on protein than the traditional Atkins Diet did. In a nut shell, the Keto Diet derives its name from the state of ketosis one following the diet properly gets into. Being in ketosis (i.e. being ketogenic) simple means that one’s body has gone from primarily utilizing carbohydrates as energy to burning fat, yes, both the fat you eat and the fat on your body, as fuel – and when this happens you’ll start losing weight, feel more energetic, and, most importantly, become a healthier version of you.
The quick and easy answer – stop eating carbohydrates. Once we stop eating carbs, our body has no choice but to switch to burning fat as fuel…and that’s exactly what we want to be doing!
Everyone talks about wanting to lose weight…but we all really just want to lose fat!
So why the hell is everyone eating so many carbs?!
Think about it for a second….If we want our body to become efficient at burning the fat on our bodies (which in turn burns the fat off our bodies), why the hell are we feeding (i.e., fueling) our bodies carbs?
Our body will either primarily burn carbs or primarily burn fat depending on how much of each we are eating…but our body will always burn the carbs first.
Our bodies burn carbs before fat NOT BECAUSE CARBS ARE OUR BODY’S PREFERRED ENERGY SOURCE BUT BECAUSE TOO MANY CARBS IS HARMFUL TO OUR BODY. Too many carbs equals too much sugar in our blood stream and that equals major problems. So our body utilizes the carbs it needs ASAP and then stores the rest as fat for later use…but if we don’t use that stored energy, and we just keep giving our body more carbs to store (on top of the fat we eat) what do you think will keep on happening?
You probably guessed it, more and more carbs will just be converted to fat and stored on our body.
Long story short, we want to burn the fat off our body BUT, instead of teaching our bodies how to burn fat by eating more fat than carbs, we keep eating more and more carbs which forces our body to burn carbs. So our body’s just keep burning carbs instead of learning to burn fat because the non-stop carb intake never even gives our body the chance to enter a short fat-burning study session.
I always ask my clients, “If you want to learn how to ride a bike do you practice by riding a bike or a skateboard?”
Well, the same thing applies to fat and carbs. If we want our bodies to become fat adapted (i.e., efficient at burning fat) then we need to give our body fat with which to practice….just makes sense if you ask me.