Archive for Pull-Up Bar

The $30 Total Body Transformation, PHASE 2

  A.K.A. – The Total-Body Pull-Up Routine, Phase 2 Its here! Phase 2 (of 3) of the first X-Gains Original Workout Program. This plan comes from my over 15 years of exercise experience + my recent total-body transformation via the P90X + P90X2 workout routines….

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The $30 Total Body Transformation, PHASE 1

A.K.A. – The Total-Body Pull-Up Routine Its here! The first X-Gains Original Workout Routine…Phase 1 (of 3) is anyways. This plan comes from my over 15 years of exercise experience + my recent total-body transformation via the P90X + P90X2 workout routines. AND ALL YOU…

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