Tag archive for Burn Fat


LOSE FAT AND GAIN MUSCLE Everyone wants to lose fat and gain muscle right?  Well, maybe not everyone…but almost everyone.  Nonetheless, in terms of exercise, there’s really only one approach to take for both losing fat and gaining muscle  – an approach we talk about here. LOSE…

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P90X3 Review – Day 5, CVX

P90X3 Review – Day 5, CVX P90X3 Review, CVX Simply put, CVX is a not-as-intense-plyocide that is made that much more intense via weights! Though the overall catalog of moves in CVX are not as tough as the moves in Plyometrics or Plyocide, the workout…

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The Secret To Scorching Fat!

  Now that we know why Carbs are okay, it’s time to talk FAT.   A lot of people ask why I drink Whole Milk if “it’s got all that fat in it.”  Well, the main reason is because FAT = TASTE and the second reason…

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