Archive for Movie Workouts

Hugh Jackman’s Core Lesson – Recuperating From A Back Injury

The Wolverine So, I am sure we all know about Weapon X and one of its most famous projects, but just incase we don’t … Weapon X is a Canadian government genetic research facility created to produce genetically enhanced human weapons.  Weapon X executed a…

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Get ULTRA RIPPED with Henry Cavill’s Man of Steel Workout

A few weeks ago we posted HOW TO SUP-UP YOUR WORKOUT with Mark Twight’s Tailpipe (a superset created to prepare Henry Cavill’s body to become The Man of Steel.  Well, today we are in for a treat because our guest post is going to actually reveal…

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The Man of Steel Workout Trick

Want to Sup-Up your workouts? After his role in “The Immortals” it was time for the new Man of Steel Henry Cavill to start training for his role as Superman.  To do so Zack Snyder, the man who brought us 300, had Cavill start training…

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The Wolverine – Hugh Jackman Does LeanGains?

Hugh Jackman…and now that I have your attention…used a form of Intermittent Fasting and/or LeanGains to bulk up while staying lean for his upcoming role as Wolverine in his new film “The Wolverine.”  In an interview, Jackman discusses his LeanGains eating style to pack on…

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