Archive for Pilates

Modify, Modify, Modify & GROW, GROW, GROW

Modify & GROW, GROW, GROW MODIFICATION IS KEY! In the game of life we all struggle to be better, stronger, more successful, happier, etc., but no matter what we are trying to achieve, the one constant to become more than you are right now is change…which,…

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21 Day Fix Review And Results

21 DAY FIX REVIEW AND RESULTS 21 DAY FIX : WHY THE 21 DAY FIX? On January 5th, 2015, it was time to get back in the swing of things…in terms of fitness anyways. As many of you may already know, I, like most Americans,…

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PIYO REVIEW – IT’S NOT JUST FOR THE LADIES   PIYO – PILATES + YOGA = DOPENESS 90 days ago I decided to switch up my workout routine and give PiYo, Chalene Johnson’s new at-home workout program, a go…and boy did it go! PiYo is…

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