Due to a number of reasons it’s been a very long time since I’ve posted anything on this site. Over the last two-and-half months my life has been a whirlwind of changes and obligations that have taken up almost 100% of my time.
So, now that things are settling a bit, I thought I’d break the silence with an update…actually THE update of the year –
My 365 day results!
It was a year last week (on April 8th) since I started my P90X routines and I took a picture on that day to document the actual year anniversary to share with you guys as soon as I had the chance.
Over the past year I did one full cycle P90X and P90X2 (90 days each) and then one P90X/P90X2 Hybrid Program (180 days).
When I first started the original P90X program all I wanted to do was lose weight, tone up, and collect on my brother’s bet. Well, I stuck to the full 90 days and got the results I wanted…but, to be honest, I was a bit too skinny.
When I started P90X2, immediately after P90X, my goal was to gain a bit of weight back. From P90X to P90X2 I actually lost weight (3 lbs.) but I did bulk up a bit, which was the real goal anyways.
Finally, when starting my Hybrid Program (P90X mixed with P90X2), the goal was to gain a bit more weight back – specifically in my legs…which, to be honest, is a place P90X sort of falls short…especially if you’re used to having thick legs and a pretty nice behind. In other words, though my legs were pretty strong and toned, Niña preferred a little more junk in my trunk.
To do this I upped the weights on leg days and stopped running 5 days a week. Instead of running 5 days a week, I ran 2 miles about twice a week. As for eating, I stuck with the LeanGains approach but started to EAT EVERYTHING I wanted with NO REGARD TO HEALTHY CHOICES during the 6 hours of eating.
After 180 days it worked! I gained mass in my legs and rump…though not enough to completely satisfy the lady. At the end of the Hybrid Program I actually gained about 6 lbs. but did not gain any inches around the waist.
Overall, I am really happy with the results, but most importantly –
I feel completely EMPOWERED!
Empowered with the knowledge and ability to control my weight. Empowered because I truly changed my lifestyle – a lifestyle that needs neither diet nor calorie counting because I’ve learned how to control my weight via my new lifestyle.
You see, once a workout routine and eating plan become habit you cannot live without doing it – it becomes part of your life and transforms your lifestyle.
And when this happens,
all you’ll have to do is live your life…much like T.I. says.
So, what are the final results?
240 pounds
Power Lifting + Running : 5 days a week
190 pounds
173 pounds
Hybrid (P90X/P90X2) + Lean Gains
240 pounds
Power Lifting + Running : 5 days a week
173 pounds
Hybrid Program (P90X/P90X2) + Lean Gains
Pat Allison
Apr 17, 2013 -
tell us more about the diet and can this be modified for the elderly!
Apr 18, 2013 -
Of course! My mom actually did the LeanGains eating plan along with walking for exercise and lost about 30 lbs. in 3 months. But anyone can do P90X no matter what age or health/body issues because you can modify any move. There is also the option of using weights or resistance bands which makes a big difference if you don’t like weights or have any sports-related injuries or something similar.
Apr 17, 2013 -
I am so very proud of you! Love you!