P90X3 Review – Results, Before & Afters,
A 90 Day Total Body Transformation…?
P90X3 Complete Program Review
Block 1’s Review & Results Can Be Found Here,
Block 2’s Review & Results Can Be Found Here.
Block 3’s Review
Being that Block 3 is the final block of the 90 Day program, and that it introduces no new workouts, P90X3’s Block 3 Review is pretty much my review of the entire program…which can be found below.
Lets cut right to the chase, no? The question we all want to know…does P90X3 work? Is 30 minutes a day enough?
In a word – YES!
P90X3 does work, 30 minutes a day is enough to achieve great fitness and a complete total body transformation.
As previously mentioned in Block 1 and Block 2’s Review –
That being said, the entire program is pretty awesome. In just 30 minutes a day YOU WILL GET RESULTS…I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBTS ABOUT IT!OVERALL BODY DEVELOPMENT
In terms of overall-body development, P90X3 is AWESOME! Your cardio will improve, your lower and upper body strength will improve, your core development will improve, and yes, that means you too will improve. I really have nothing else to say – P90X3 simply works.
If you’ve read my other P90X3 reviews, then you know how in love I am with two of the new workouts in this program – CVX and ISOMETRICS. I don’t know how else to express how awesome I think both of these workouts are other than to state that,
As mentioned in the previous reviews, the only two things lacking in P90X3 are a bit more isolated arm exercises and a bit more pull-ups. Any fan of P90X or P90X2 will notice the lack of pull-ups in P90X3’s program. And, though you WILL develop your back and arms, I think there is a noticeable mass difference from P90X2 or P90X. In other words, P90X3 gave me a bit less mass and definition in my arms and back. So, if you love doing “curls for the girls” and/or more back development, then you’ll either find yourself supplementing P90X3 with a few more exercises or sticking to P90X or P90X2.
BUT, that being said, I WOULD STILL RECOMMEND P90X3 to anyone!
To learn exactly how I approached my first round of P90X3 check out our “5 Steps To Starting P90X3”
And now, for what really matters, some numbers and pictures…no?
Well…I ended 1 pound away from my goal of 165 pounds…lame!
19.2 pounds of fat 2 Inches around my waist 12% body fat
4.8 pounds of Lean Mass 2 Inches around my thighs and rump area
From 181to 166.6 pounds 15.4 pounds weight loss

181 pounds
Day 1

166.3 pounds
Day 90
I went from running 2 miles in about a 10 minute/mile pace to running 4.5 miles at an 8:40/mile pace…’nough said 🙂
IMPROVEMENTS – Core + Legs: Both my core and lower body are stronger than ever. IDLE – Chest: My chest development at the end of P90X3 is about the same as with P90X and P90X2. NOT UP TO PAR – Arms + Back: Though I seem to have my normal arm strength, there is a visual mass loss in my arms and back…and I can do about 15 pull-ups in a row as opposed to the 18-20 I could do at the end of P90X and P90X3.
Neither of my knees nor my injured right shoulder have ever felt so GOOD!
P90X3 Results | 90 Transformation
UPDATE – Reader Requested Leg Photo
Want to Buy Now – Workouts and Equipment – CLICK HERE!!!

By Rolando Rodriguez
Ali Bakir
Apr 22, 2014 -
Hell no! That’s amazing. You look superb. Well done mate!!!!
Ali Bakir
Apr 22, 2014 -
Also, what do your legs look like?
Rolando Rodriguez
Apr 23, 2014 -
Not very ripped but I’ll take pictures and post. Main thing I noticed in terms of legs with P90X3 was less mass lost in the gluts then with P90X and P90X2. I also felt P90X3 gave me a bit better overall leg development….I don’t know why but my groins where the only things sore during P90X as opposed to with P90X3 where I felt overall lower body soreness and strength gains.
Rolando Rodriguez
Apr 27, 2014 -
See above for a leg pic I took yesterday…which is about 2 weeks after completing P90X3 but I figured it’s close enough to finishing the program to show.
Take care.
Ali Bakir
May 5, 2014 -
They are very very decent. Thanks buddy, you’re supremely cool 🙂
Rolando Rodriguez
Apr 23, 2014 -
Ali Bakir
Apr 23, 2014 -
Thanks for y our replies. I’ve been sifting through your posts trying to find out whether you were still on the leangains diet during this time? Or were you just calorie cycling and eating throughout the day?
Rolando Rodriguez
Apr 23, 2014 -
No worries, thanks for reaching out.
As for the diet – YES, I stuck to a LeanGains-like diet (fyi – I have been intermittent fasting for nearly two years now and follow a an 18/6 approach…the 18/6 fast/feed approach is my lifestyle now). So, I calorie cycled my weekly goal during my 6 hour feed period each day.
That being said, I did a modified version of the LeanGains’ plan to cut weight. Modified because, when I went back through my data I noticed I was not reaching my weekly protein intake goals…which I assumed I was reaching…but we all know what happens when we assume.
Also, one tip/trick I always use when really trying to cut weight (or lean up) is to NEVER account for the calories burned during strength training…I only count my jogs toward the net caloric intake for the days I do jog….hope that makes sense.
If you haven’t already, you can see my exact approach to P90X3 here –
Hope this helps and let us know if you have any other questions.
Take care.
X-GainsP90X3 Review – 5 Steps To Starting P90X3 | X-Gains
Apr 24, 2014 -
[…] So, now that you know The Approach I have decided to take as I embarked on this P90X3 voyage, stay t… […]
Apr 29, 2014 -
Great work! I’ve been following you for a few weeks now! Congratulations. I”m on the 3rd week of Block 2 on P90X 3 and I really love it. I’m a personal trainer and very skeptical but this is a solid program. I’m curious to know why you didn’t count the calories burned during strength? Do you use a heart rate monitor?
Rolando Rodriguez
Apr 29, 2014 -
1st of all, thanks for the words of encouragement!
As for the calorie counting…I did not count the calories burned during strength training during my first P90X3 cycle because my goal was to cut weight. BUT, if I am trying to gain (lean) mass I certainly DO account for ALL calories burned.
The reason I do not account for the strength training sessions while trying to cut/tone is because I find that I drop weight a bit quicker/easier when I only “make-up” the calories burned during my jogs…it also helps to have the extra, or unaccounted for, calories when I find myself not being able to fight back the urge to treat (not cheat) myself with an extra scoop or two of ice cream.
As for a heart rate monitor – I have a wahoo BlueHR heart rate monitor which I pair to my MotoACTV (https://x-gains.com/equipment/items/). I use both to calculate how many calories I burn during each new workout or when I am trying to keep up with my jogging stats or when I am trying to cut weight. As a matter of fact I calculated the total calorie range burned in each P90X, P90X2, and P90X3 workout I’ve reviewed on this site with the wahoo and MotoACTV.
I also make sure to strap on the monitor whenever I feel like I may be slacking a bit…because, after all, intensity IS the name of the game…especially when trying to “tone” up.
Hope this helps and thanks for getting in touch. Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Take care.
May 1, 2014 -
Thanks! I definitely want to lean out! I’m a woman and don’t do well getting bulky! I’ve lost 8 pounds thus far using MyFitnessPal and eating a clean cuisine (anti-inflammatory) lifestyle. I use the monitor for everything because it really holds me accountable, but I also count the calories from every single workout because it makes me feel like I’ve earned my meals.
Thanks for your response and congrats again!
Rolando Rodriguez
May 1, 2014 -
No problem, thank you, and congrats on your initial weight loss!
As for “toning” up, I don’t know if you’ve already read about my thoughts on the matter, but I believe HEAVY WEIGHTS LOW REPS is the way to go…don’t know if you currently take this approach or not, but I do think it made a huge deal for me and the handful of people I have helped train.
So, just in case you haven’t already checked it out, here is a post sharing my thoughts on “toning up” specifically inspired by the women in my life…and what they think about heavy weights. Let me know your thoughts and thanks for getting in touch.
Best of luck!
May 1, 2014 -
One last question. What’s next for you? Are you going to do another round? The Asian male in the cast did two rounds and he looks amazing! I just saw him in this link on Youtube…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxFXcx39Ue0. As a part-time personal trainer (I have a day desk job)….I’m always online reading new things and I do like trying other workouts. Are you strictly a P990X3 guy or do you still like to lift in the gym? Do you miss barbell training and lifting heavy? I was on T-Nation–which has the snobbiest fitness folks ( http://www.t-nation.com/training/p90x-and-muscle-confusion-the-truth) and they were ripping P90X a new one and lots of the folks were saying that you can’t get the same results as heavy lifting….I think it’s all about goals. Plus the guy who wrote the article clearly didn’t inspect the program and was spreading pure lies! There were a few p90xer’s in the comments but by in large it was a bash fest! Anyway, I was curious to know if you’re only planning on doing home workouts from this day forth or will you get back into weightlifting in a gym. As I part-time trainer, I do like to mix it up and even now, I do weight training about twice a week (in addition to my P90X3) because I workout with my clients. After P90x3 I wana try some programming by Bret Contreas cause he knows his stuff especially about glutes and lower body training and I’m excited to get into hip thrusting (he invented it)..he has programming fo men and women…..check it out! He;s definitely someone to follow! http://bretcontreras.com/
Good luck on all your endeavors and thank you for having this blog, it’s very inspiring and it’s great to have online to counteract the naysayers and uninformed haters online!
Rolando Rodriguez
May 1, 2014 -
Man! That Asian guy’s results with the second round are no joke!
As for me, I don’t know how much you’ve poked around the site, but I quit the gym 2 years ago and have been doing P90X, P90X2, and now P90X3 ever since…and I have never felt nor looked better…in my opinion anyways…
I started working out at the age of 12 and have been doing it ever since. I weight trained at the gym for 18 years (from 12 to 30 years old). At most I maxed out on bench at 325 pounds and squatted 415 pounds and could do 12 pull-ups with a 90 pound dumbbell between my legs…but when I found myself getting older, stronger and bigger, and less and less toned I felt like i needed a change in my life.
I originally tried P90X because I would see the informercial and think to myself (as I think anybody who knows about working out would think), “that program has to work…I mean they are doing all the right moves and it looks like that guy (Tony Horton) knows what he’s talking about.”
I personally didn’t buy completely into the “muscle confusion,” because, like most people who workout regularly, I was already mixing up my workouts to always keep them “guessing.” But that didn’t stop me from trying the program because, as stated above, it looked like they were doing and saying all the right things in the infomercial.
So, I tried the program and the results speak for themselves I think. Yeah, I was a bit too small at the end of my first round of P90X BUT I gained some mass back after completing P90X2 and even more after my first round of my own personal take on a P90X + P90X2 hybrid program.
As for “you can’t get the same results as heavy lifting,” they’re right, I didn’t get the “same” results…I got better results….BUT they are wrong in thinking that P90X does not allow you to do “heavy lifting!”
P90X, unlike P90X2 or P90X3, is very much like “traditional” weight training…and is actually the program I recommend for people transitioning from “traditional” weight training. I personally continued to lift heavy during P90X, especially after reading about LeanGains.
What does “lifting heavy” mean to me? It means I live in the 4-6 rep range on every move requiring weights. So, if I can get up to 8 reps I increase the weight…hope that makes sense.
As for my future plans…Yes, I plan on working out from home for the foreseeable future. At first I thought I was going to hate working out at home. I had been going to the gym since the age of 12 and I loved going to the gym, but after about two weeks of working out at home I could see no other way.
You see, I do think P90X is very much like traditional weight training but with two main differences (which I am in the middle of writing a post about) Yoga and not having to wait around for a dumbbells or a bench or pull-up bar or whatever. The only major difference between working out at home with P90X and the gym is that with P90X you don’t find yourself wasting time waiting around…the whole time your doing something…so when your super setting or stacking exercises in a certain way there are no other people between you and your routine.
As for Bret Contreas – thanks for the tip because, especially after P90X3’s improved lower body development, I have realized P90X and P90X2 were lacking in the lower body. As a matter of fact, I am now doing my own personal take on a P90X2 and P90X3 hybrid because I don’t want to lose the improvements to my lower body P90X3 provided.
Hope this info helps and thanks again for sharing your thoughts!
Take care and best wishes.
May 5, 2014 -
Hello again!
So you’ve totally got me interested in Lean Gains! The idea of fasting for 18 hrs freaked me out but I’m on board to do Intermittent Fasting during the 3rd block which starts in two weeks for me. I went on to LeanGains.com and was a little overwhelmed. I can’t seem to find info on what to eat in terms of how many calories to eat while doing it? Martin talks about percentages but I’m curious to know how macros are broken down under Lean Gains? I’m thinking of buying the book Eat Stop Eat, but I don’t want to mix up the theories. Can you please point me in the right direction of getting started with Lean Gains? Also which BCAA do you recommend. Since I eat clean, I’m trying to find one that has minimal processing.
Rolando Rodriguez
May 8, 2014 -
Sorry for the delayed response but I hope your doing well.
Here are some quick responses to some of the items you mentioned above.
LeanGains Website – you are right, it can be a bit overwhelming but there is a bunch of good stuff on there so keep going back to it when you have the time.
Eat Stop Eat – I have read it and hope you do to. It’s a quick, easy, and interesting read.
As for mixing up the theories, I would say not to sweat it. Read both trains of thought, because they are certainly related to begin with, and then tweak it to fit your lifestyle and maximize your personal results. As you know, everything doesn’t work for everyone, but the handful of people I have encouraged to intermittent fast have succeeded with modifications to suit their specific goals and lifestyles.
As for caloric intake and macro nutrients, I don’t know if you’ve checked out this page/post on the site but it has the calculator I used and use. BUT, PLEASE NOTE THAT WHEN I AM TRYING TO LEAN UP (i.e., lose weight) I try to stick to the macro nutrient percentages on the calculator WHILE sticking to the weekly caloric intake MyFitnessPal suggests I should be hitting for my specific goal. THEN, once I have reached my goal, I stick to the calculator’s caloric suggestions.
Finally, as for the BCAA, I mix two different types. I buy Xtend Intra-Workout Catalyst and mix it with Amino Energy. The reason I mix is because the Amino Energy, if taken as directed (5 scoops or something like that), makes me too jittery. So, I mix 2 scoops of Amino Energy with one scoop of Xtend Intra-Workout Catalyst.
Hope this helps and best of LUCK!
May 5, 2014 -
Oh and I already use Myfitness Pal…and I recall reading that you do too. Should I just use the macros from there?
May 25, 2014 -
How did you feel after the workouts? Was it an energized refreshed feeling, or completely pooped out feeling. I’ve noticed with p90x before that instead of being refreshed I was just more tired and run down in the mornings and prior to my workouts. I love the minimalistic idea of lifting and working out in general (3 or 4 days with hard activity, then other days are active recovery), however I love working out everyday. It seems hard to find a balance. Wanted to see what you thought?
And great work on the results!!
Rolando Rodriguez
May 25, 2014 -
Hi Eric,
First of all, thanks for the compliment.
Secondly, yeah some P90X3 workouts leave you feeling pooped BUT others leave you feeling refreshed and really energized. Nonetheless, I have noticed that, though pretty hard itself, I always feel energized when ending a workout with The Tailpipe (check out this post that explains the post-workout set and includes a video too).
As for working out vs. recovery, I used to weight lift and do cardio 5 days a week with 2 days of active recovery. BUT, I didn’t start getting my best results until I started the P90Xs’ approach (i.e., 3 days of weight lifting, 1-2 days of plyo, 1 day of yoga, and 1-2 days of active recovery).
So, I personally workout “very hard” 5 days a week with a “normal” workout 1 day a week and then a “light”/recovery workout on Sundays. BUT, when I feel like I need more recovery I ALWAYS take it…the most important thing is to listen to your body.
One last thing, if you are interested in purchasing P90X3 or have any more questions concerning anything at all, please let me know or and I’d be happy to share my thoughts.
As a matter of fact if you’d like, or are interested, I am now officially a Beachbody coach and would be more than happy to create a workout and eating plan customized specifically for you…COMPLETELY FREE OF CHARGE.
Let me know if you have any more questions and thanks again!
Take care,
May 27, 2014 -
I agree,
After a lot of reading and seeing results of people like martin berkhan, mark sisson, and other minimalist type training, I like the idea of getting it done in 30 mins. I’m kind of excited to give the 90 days a go! Finished my first week yesterday and the workouts are a blast. Definitely missed these kinds of workouts. However, after powerlifting all winter, definitely will throw on a weighted vest for chins and pushups to make it harder (except on the challenge day pshh). Excited to modify this a bit and really get a killer 30 min workout in. I think you definitely can aim for progression with it :D! And i do agree with the mobility factor as well!
X-GainsP90 – Tony Horton's New Workout
Sep 25, 2014 -
[…] in a good workout and/or see any results from working out…but I was wrong…dead wrong. If you haven’t already done so, check out my P90X3 90-day transformation here. SECOND EXCUSE BUSTED – P90 Now Tony Horton is shutting up the “those moves are too […]
X-GainsPiYo Review & Results
Oct 28, 2014 -
[…] you’ve already read my X3 review you may know that I thought X3 was a bit lacking in the arms and back department…and this was the […]
Dec 11, 2014 -
Hello I just start P90X3 lean schedule, my goal is loose weight and also stick to low carb diet. I’m thinking to go with Hebalife Program. I did it one time and a lost 28 lb doing T25, 1 meal (lunch) low carb, breakfast 1/2 of hebalife shake, snack nuts, cheese jam 1 slice of nature own bread (the less carb bread that I found) twice a day as a snack. Is ok what I’m doing..? my goal is loose 35 lb. My las wheight the day before I start the lean schedule was 200 lb, not wheigh so far waithing to finish my first week, so I dont now yet if I’m loosing son pounds.
Rolando Rodriguez
Dec 15, 2014 -
Hello Patricia!
Sorry for the delayed response but illness and work had me caught up last week.
First of all great job losing the 28 pounds!
Secondly, stickig to what works is normally a pretty good idea 🙂 As for the Lean Scedule Approach…I really dont think that schedule is better than the Classic because it has less resistance training and weight lifting is CRUCIAL for weight loss. My older brother didn’t listen to my advice on this very decision and he only lost 6 pounds on the lean schedule but lost 10 pounds of fat on the classic program.
In my opinion the lean schedule shouldn’t even be an option in the program because lifting weights supplemented with cardio training is exactly what is needed in terms of weight loss and that is exactly what the classic schedule has.
Though the lean schedule is a good one, I whole heartedly recommend the classic program…and have seen it out perform the lean schedule time and time again. I’d even suggest swithchig schedules if you’ve already started the lean schedule.
Hope this helps and please feel free to contact us with any more questions you may have concerning anything else.
Take care!
Dec 11, 2014 -
I forget my dinner was the other 1/2 of my Herbalife shake. Basicly 1 shake daily with low carb almon milk. fresh strawberries, light wip cream and cinnamon.
Rolando Rodriguez
Dec 15, 2014 -
How many calories does the Herbalife Shake have…calories, carbs, protien…? Let me know and I’ll let you know what my thoughts are. Thanks!
Feb 14, 2015 -
Hello. First of all congratulations with your results. I’m glad I stumbled on this website, it is very inspiring.
I am currently on my third week of phase 1on p90x3 and have only lost 3lbs, although I do feel better and people tell me I am slimmer I don’t understand why the scale is not telling me that. Am I doing something wrong?
Rolando Rodriguez
Feb 16, 2015 -
Hello Sir, hope all is well. DO NOT worry about the scale – especially if you are feeling better and people are telling you that you’re looking slimmer! First of all, remember that muscle weighs more than fat. Secondly, 1 pound per week is very good healthy sustainable weight loss – it means you’re doing it right. That being said, we arw all suckers to the numbers shown on the scale BUT try to focus on other cues (i.e., hoe you look in the mirror, how your clothse is fitting, and most importantly how you feel). Thanks for reaching out to us and please feel free to ask or share anything else you might be wondering or experiencing. BUT STICK WITH IT becauese it sounds like your doing everything right! Have a nice day my man and take care!
workout motivation music
Feb 18, 2015 -
Awesome post.
Feb 28, 2015 -
Back again with good and bad news…
Finished my first month, and took after pictures, I looks slimmer and lost a total of 8 lbs.now for the bad news. I did on my second day of month 2 I hurt my hamstring. It really hurts and it’s difficult to walk due to the sharp pain. I hope it’s just a strain and not a tear. My question is, now what?
I’m really bummed up this happened I’ve worked so hard and done so good,i don’t want to stop working out. Is there anything I can do or exercises I can still do to kind of work around the injury?
Rolando Rodriguez
Mar 2, 2015 -
Hello Rodrigo,
Hope you are the mend Sir – sorry to hear about your hamstring…but 8 lbs in 21 Days is pretty awesome!
Now, for the problem at hand – your hamstring injury and continuing to workout. If it were me, I’d do everything my injured hamstring would allow me to do. What does that mean? Well, if I could do pushups and pull-ups without aggravating my injury, I’d do pushups and pull-ups. If curls caused some pains in my hamstrings I’d try doing curls while seated on a chair. The thing that sucks about X3 is that about every routine involves the entire body so if you tweak a major muscle, like the hamstring, it’ll be a bit difficult to do the routines. So, I’d say do everything you can and modify everything you can to make sure you keep moving forward…or at least maintain what you’ve already accomplished.
In the meanwhile I would certainly recommend stretching the hamstring and light recovery exercises like walking, modified yoga, no weighted squats, etc….you know anything that will get blood pumping to the hamstring with out further aggravating the injury – SO NO WEIGHTS.
What you don’t want to do is completely stop! You got an injury that typically last about a week or two, but that doesn’t mean you should completely stop working out. Do what you can and help the injury recover via active recovery…and as the hamstring starts feeling better start doing more and more.
FINALLY, if you are doing less because of your injury then MAKE SURE YOUR DIET IS ON POINT!
Also, don’t think you have to stick to the X3 routines. While on the mend do other exercise routines/moves that require more isolated movements (like more traditional body building moves).
Hope this makes sense and let me know if you’d like a bit more info.
Good luck Sir and I hope you get better soon!
Take care my man and thanks for staying in touch.
– Roly
Jun 8, 2015 -
Hello Mr Rodriguez, seeing your results is pretty inspiring! I used to be a pretty fit guy and somewhere along the lines I lost my way and became pretty sedintary. Last summer I got motivated and started a program called the Ideal Protien diet. It was basically a high protien, limited carbs and low fat diet. I lost 60 lbs in 4 months. I gained half of it back and now I’m ready to start P90X3 in hopes to get back to that weight again. I’ve tried insanity but was I was burnt out by week 3. I’m giving this a shot hoping I can stick with it. Wish me luck and thanks for taking the time to post and interact with the us. Keep up the insperational work!
Rolando Rodriguez
Jun 24, 2015 -
Hello Petey!
Sorry for the delayed response – just came across this comment.
1st of all, congrats on losing the initial 60 pounds!
2ndly…at least you didn’t gain it all back 🙂
3rdly, thanks for taking the time to write and thanks for the kind words (really makes the time I spend on this site worth it!).
4thly, GOOD LUCK with P90X3…have you started yet? Let us know when you can.
Hope this finds you well and please check in from time to time.
Finally, remember, feel free to pick my brain if you have any questions concerning anything at all!
Take care and best wishes!
Nov 11, 2016 -
I am going xX3 mass.
Can I do MMX twice weekly and still benefit from the mass schedule?
Figure I could do it on the yoga day.
Do MMX morning yoga evening, all else as per the mass schedule.
Suggestions and input appreciated.