Sticking To A Resolution
New Year’s or New Life Resolution – make it happen!
Every new year we think we are going to make big changes in our life – be it with our health, business, or any other aspect of our lives…we look forward to making changes for the better.
Then, a few weeks in, reality starts setting in and we realize we may have been a bit too ambitious. We start getting off track a little bit here, a lot more bit there, until we are in a free-fall to nowhere fast.
Well, guess what?
It happens to us all and the simple truth is we just have to get back on track…but get back on track now, not tomorrow!
Learn a simple tip to sticking to any resolution in the video below and start changing for the better now!
A simple tip to help keep you on track…
Reuben Bonne-Année
Feb 14, 2016 -
Hello Rolando
Im not sure if you got my email so Im commenting aswell
I was very inspired by the transformation you made during your third round of the p90x3/21DFE. I want to follow in your footsteps but I am not sure which diet plan i should follow. I would very much appreciate it if you gave me the food diary for the exact foods and amount of each food you ate and at what time. If you could also suggest some changes I should make considering Im 16 years old, 5’6″ and 137 lbs that would be much appreciated. I’ve been trying to convert these last 10 lbs to muscle but ended up losing some in my last attempt at focus t25 gamma. I literally only have 21 days from this Monday to accomplish my goal. Please help, im ready to work hard and smart.
Rolando Rodriguez
Feb 14, 2016 -
Hello Reuben,
Sorry you didn’t get my e-mail…I have copied and pasted it below – hope this helps!
Hope you are doing well and thanks for reaching out.
1st of all, thanks for the kind words!
2ndly, before we get started
FYI – Before the 21 Day Fix Came Along I Did My Own Experiment And LOST 12 POUNDS IN 2 WEEKS – so you could try this approach if The Fix approach ends up not working – see article here (detailed explanation of what I did).
The truth that what I did worked for me and may or may not work for…that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it a go. Now, to make a tailored specifically to you, I would need to know exactly what you are eating, exactly how you train, and a other details about you (i.e., how long you have been training, what equipment do you have, how much weight can you lift, etc.). Weight loss and muscle gain is different for everyone and should be approached so.
That being said, the approach I took may work for you…or it may not…you won’t know until you try.
The point I am trying to make, is that even if this approach does not work for you, there is an approach that WILL WORK for you…the trick is finding it!
The Workouts Routine
During my 21 Day Fix / X3 doubles routine I would do whatever X3 workout was scheduled for that first and then immediately go into whatever 21 Day Fix routine was scheduled for that day. I had to do this because I did not have, nor do I have, the time to workout in the afternoon (so I do both workouts in the morning).
BUT, this (doubles back to back) is not ideal for maximum calorie burn. Because our bodies burn calories for up to 4 hours after a strength training routines, to maximize total calorie burn, you’d want to do one workout in the morning and then do the second workout in the afternoon.
As for abs, I did the 21 Day Fix Ab Routine every other day.
The Diet/Eating Approach
As for the food I ate, and when I ate it during my 21 Day Fix / X3 doubles…
Don’t know if you know, but I pretty much always fast from 9pm to 3pm the next day and always train first thing in the morning…on an empty stomach. So, I workout every morning from about 6 am – 7 am and then do not eat until 3 pm (or later on certain days).
Throughout the day (i.e., while in my fasted state) I sip on an amino acids drink – 32 oz. of water with two servings of an amino acids. I typiclaly finish the drink sometime after my first meal of the day.
My typical week looked like:
5-6 days a week | I would start to eat at 3 pm and stop eating at 9 pm.
1-2 days a week (specifically on Fajita’s night) | I would fast from dinner the night before to dinner the next night
Every Night Right Before 9 pm | One Serving of Shakeology with 1 Red Container of Greek Yogart
My Diet – The Food I Ate
As for the types of food I would eat….
I pretty much ate, on a rotation, the food shown here: https://x-gains.com/21-day-fix-review-and-results/ (Fajitas, Black Beans, Beef, Chicken, Tilapia, Brown Rice, Corn Tortilla, etc.)
It is important to note that ALL SERVING SIZES and FOOD followed the 21 Day Fix rules and portion sizes…I was in the 1,500-1,700 calories a day bracket.
Hope this helps and please keep me posted!
Good luck!