Archive for Art

Nickelodeon’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Revamped and Dope As Ever

Nickelodeon’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Revamped and Dope As Ever   It’s been a while since I wrote about something other than working out…and I thought it was about time I did…so, without further ado, lets talk childhood memories…specifically The Turtles.   NICKELODEON’S NEW…

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The Man of Steel – Superman!

June 14th is rapidly approaching…some might say faster than a speeding bullet…and that means The Man of Steel is almost here!     Do not know if you guys are as excited about this as my family and I…but you should be. “The Man of Steel”,…

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YUM!!! Smells like DVD!

For today’s tech talk – let’s talk Domino’s….Pizza. A Domino’s Pizza in Brazil teamed up with a local movie rental store to create smell-able DVDs…a.k.a. – 4-D TV! What exactly does that mean? Well, it means that while your DVD movie is playing, the DVD…

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Saturday Morning Mu-sick

Hello Ladies and Gents! Good Saturday morning to all. I have been crushing hard on everything Bastille and thought it was time to share the dopeness. Bastille is a UK band whose CD I have been anxiously awaiting.  So, when I saw it was on…

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Thought I’d take a second to let everyone know that PushStart, which I’ve written about twice on this site (once, twice), is opening a restaurant in Atlanta! And to do so their asking for our help. Zach and Cristina Meloy have worked really hard to…

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Let me repeat – TATERS, PORK, BANANAS! That was PushStart’s e-mail header this week – needless to say, I responded immediately. For those of you who may have forgotten about PushStart (feel free to refresh your memory a bit), but for those who still don’t…

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The Fight – Beautiful You Event Tonight

What is beauty? We could get into an artistic, architectural, political, or social theoretical debate that would last for weeks…or we could keep it simple.  So, for the sake of a shorter blog post, and to get to the point I am trying to make…

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Saturday Morning Dopeness

First and foremost, my life’s been a bit crazy this last month and half. From being sick for over a week to switching jobs and starting my own full-time gig to family and friend’s having babies and get togethers, it’s been none stop for a…

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PUSHSTART Kitchen : Bacon | Flank Steak | Donuts

Uhm…I repeat – Bacon, Flank Steak, Donuts…I don’t really think I need to say anything else.  A few months ago a friend of mine that keeps me in the know on all the tech + art + local Atlanta goodness invited me  to PUSHSTART Kitchen…

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