Archive for Can Your Really? - page 4


10 Unbelievable Diet Rules Backed by Science…and X-GAINS!!! FYI – IF YOU’VE BEEN FOLLOWING X-GAINS YOU ALREADY KNOW ALL 10 OF THEM! The other morning Niña sent me an article around 2 am and woke up two hours later (at 4 am that same morning)…

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What The 5,000 Calorie Challenges Are Meant To Prove

Missing The Point So, two of my most recent posts (The Wolverine Diet Challenge, 5,000 Calories Part 1 and Part 2) were devoted to proving to a reader that a regular-old Joe could consume 5,000 calories and keep those calories down within an 8-hour window. …

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The Wolverine Diet Challenge, 5,000 Calories Part Two

Why The Wolverine Diet Challenge? – 5,000 Calories Part 2 A few months ago I wrote about how Hugh Jackman was basically doing LeanGains while preparing his body for The Wolverine and in response to that e-mail I got a few readers questioning the human bodies ability…

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The Wolverine Diet Challenge, 5,000 Calories

Why The Wolverine Diet Challenge? – 5,000 Calories As you guys may or may not already know, a few months ago I wrote about how Hugh Jackman was basically doing LeanGains while preparing his body for The Wolverine.  Well, a few weeks ago I received…

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Can You Really? Breakfast Edition 1.0

Can You Really? “Do You Really Eat That Much?” The other day I got an e-mail from a reader suggesting that the human body cannot ingest 5,000 calories in a single day, let alone an 8 hour fed state.  This got me thinking about how…

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