Archive for Holidays

Top 10 Posts Of 2014 For An Awesome-er 2015

TOP 10 POSTS OF 2014 FOR AN AWESOME-ER YOU IN 2015   IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN – 2014 TOP 10 Yes Sir, it’s that time again!  And, since no new year should be ushered in without a proper top 10 countdown of the current year’s…

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Top 10 Posts From 2013

Top TEN Things To Take From 2013 I wrote nearly 100 posts last year.  Hopefully you learned something from each one…even if it were some trivial pop-culture reference that’ll come in handy the day you decide to actually go to that trivia night you and…

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Sticking To Your New Year’s Resolutions

Sticking To Your New Year’s Resolution So many people fail to meet their New Year’s Resolution because that’s exactly how they approach it – as a New Year’s Resolution.  Well my friends, I am here to put a stop to that train of thought.  If…

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Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions That Will Change Your Life

Top  10 New Year’s Resolutions That Will Change Your Life Over the last few weeks I’ve been seeing a lot of lists calling out the top 25 or so New Year’s Resolutions that you should do in 2014, and, to be honest, 25 is too…

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HOLIDAY FASTING – INTERMITTENT FASTING BY ANOTHER NAME IF YOU CAN FAST FOR TURKEY…YOU CAN FAST EVERYDAY I don’t know how many of us are actually aware of this little tidbit, so I thought I’d share – most of us fast on Thanksgiving! I couldn’t tell…

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Sweet Potato Souffle Recipe

Sweet Potato Souffle Recipe  I know you guys know I love NIÑA’S KITCHEN so, in honor of tomorrow, I thought I’d share the recipe for…. ….THE BEST SWEET POTATO SOUFFLE EVER…. Okay, in the interest of being a bit more politically correct (just for good measure), lets…

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Holiday Weight Gain – Help Avoid The Inevitable

Holiday Weight Gain – Help Avoid The Inevitable The Holiday’s have arrived!  Lucky for us Sergeant Volkin is back with another guest post.  This time the creator of Strength Stack 52 is sharing a few tips on how to help keep those extra pounds we…

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Yeah, Disney is everything either wrong or right with America. And yes, it is a bit expensive, but seeing MAGIC is truly priceless. By MAGIC I do not mean the wonder that is Mr. Walt Disney, Magic Kingdom, or any other part of the Disney…

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Boost Your Run

As I started my run yesterday I thought to myself, “I’m not really feeling too hot today so I think I’ll take it slow and steady.” And then, right as I left my neighborhood it started to sprinkle and I thought to myself, “Nice, if…

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This year the family had a very special trip planned for Christmas and I planned for a full 2 weeks COMPLETELY OFF from working out.  So, before we get into the meat of the post please check out the first 5 minutes of the video above…

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