Archive for VLOG - page 2

Starting A Diet? Here’s The One To Try First And Why!

Starting A Diet? Here’s The One To Try First And Why! WHY THE FIRST DIET YOU SHOULD TRY MIGHT BE YOUR LAST?   Atkins, IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros), Caloric Restriction, Ketosis (Keto / Ketogenic), LCHF (low carb high fat), Portion Control, Clean Eating,…

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Carbs or Fats…and How Much?

CARBS OR FATS…AND HOW MUCH? SHOULD I EAT MORE CARBS OR FATS? We all want to lose weight and/or lose fat, but we can’t make it happen if we keep eating the amount of carbs and fats found in today’s “typical” diet.  Gaining lean muscle…

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Modify, Modify, Modify & GROW, GROW, GROW

Modify & GROW, GROW, GROW MODIFICATION IS KEY! In the game of life we all struggle to be better, stronger, more successful, happier, etc., but no matter what we are trying to achieve, the one constant to become more than you are right now is change…which,…

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True Strength & Power “Becoming A Stronger You!”  We all want to be stronger and more powerful! No matter what type of strength or power we are looking for (from being a stronger more powerful fighter, parent, person, to having a stronger more powerful will, to physically…

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Realistic Expectations – Reaching Our Goals

Realistic Expectations – Reaching Our Goals “Real Or Not, Will Change Your Life”  Over the years I’ve realized many things, but there is one thing I find to be a bit more productive than most – setting expectations.   The truth is that setting expectations…

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Why Everyone Should Count Calories

Why Everyone Should Count Calories “I Hate Counting Calories?”  Of course, none of us want to constantly be tracking what we eat.  No matter how handy your new app my be, constantly counting, tracking, and/or measuring our nutritional and/or caloric intake can be a huge pain in…

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Sticking To A Resolution

Sticking To A Resolution New Year’s or New Life Resolution – make it happen! Every new year we think we are going to make big changes in our life – be it with our health, business, or any other aspect of our lives…we look forward…

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How To Stick To A Diet

How To Stick To A Diet? So many tips out there, but this one gets the job done! The hardest part of living healthy and, especially, getting the body we all want typically boils down to what we put in our mouths (i.e., how well…

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Are All Calories The Same?

Are All Calories The Same? IIFYM, Flexible Dieting, Calorie Counting… If it fits your macros, flexible dieting, or counting calories?  Doesn’t mean you get a free pass to stuff your mouth with whatever you want – sad but true.  The truth is when trying to reach…

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DIETS THAT WORK, PART 2 – Ketosis, LCHF, 21 Day Fix, 80/20

DIETS THAT WORK, PART 2 KETOSIS, LCHF, 21 DAY FIX, 80/20 Weight loss is not a one-size fits all. I’ve learned that the hard way. Over the years I have tried a number of diets that work…that is until they stop. Our bodies adjust and,…

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